I am getting a fresh start today. The past few weeks have been difficult for me. But sometimes that is the way God teaches me. He has lately been showing me some things I need to change - about my parenting, my friendships and the ways I handle my schedule.
So, today I am focusing on my priorities and my schedule. I woke up early and had a good quiet time. As I was getting ready for my day, I sat down and made a list of my priorities, planning my schedule accordingly. I'm hoping that by starting off this way I can spend my time today with purpose, accomplishing much without getting burned out or having that 'where did all the time go?' feeling.
As homeschooling single moms we have a lot to do. And often it feels as if there just isn't enough time in a day. But, there are actions we can take to use our time powerfully.
First, start the day by having time reading the Bible and praying. By spending our time with God first, it demonstrates that it is our top priority, and we are less likely to skip it. Today I asked God to help me prioritize and plan my day.
Secondly, be organized. It is so easy to be ruled by the "tyranny of the urgent" or to sit at the computer following rabbit trails. Make a schedule and stick to it.
And lastly, be realistic. A couple of weeks ago I made a list of all of the things that I felt that I want/need to get done in a day. After assigning a time-value to each activity, I totaled them up. I was hoping to discover that I was wasting time and could fit more in. What I discovered is that I was trying to get 18-hours worth of stuff done each day. And that didn't include sleeping, actual piano classes (my job) or parenting beyond our homeschool day. I was not being realistic. No wonder my house has been a mess and I have been discouraged.
All we can really do is our best, one day at a time. But we can learn from each day and maybe make tomorrow a bit better. Oh, and don't forget that days off are important too!
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